
Documents - PDFs
Chuck Bos interview 10-11-2009 (PDF)
DNR Aquatic Reserve Program
Guidance on Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Ordinances 12-1998 (PDF)
Swan Lake Restoration Preliminary Feasibility Study 9-14-2010 (PDF 13 mb)

2013 Wave Climate, Sediment Transport, and Inlet Analysis for Swan Lake report

2013 Hydraulic Modeling and Fish Passage Analysis for Swan Lake report

Meridian Environmental Fish Survey, 2007 (PDF)
Island County Estuarine Restoration Program (PDF)
Salmon Habitat Limiting factors water resource inventory - Area 6 Island County (PDF)
Early action recommendations - watershed management (PDF)

Historical map of Swan Lake
Swan Lake map 1871
Plat of Juanita map (PDF)

Links to Information Online
Water Resource Management Plan
Salmon Recovery Funding Board
Nearshore Habitat Program, State
Washington Groundwater – WSU Document
Smith & Minor Islands Aquatic Reserve, State DNR

Island County Marine Resources Committee
People for Puget SoundNorthern Harrier
Puget Sound Partnership
Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group
Whidbey Audubon Society
Whidbey Camano Land Trust
Whidbey Island Conservation District
WSU Beach Watchers

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